Lord Xeroth

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

a message from the past

It has been ages since my first post. Well, in the meanwhile I've seen a little more world and as always I'm amazed by the beauty of it. I just wonder why people doesn't like me skinny dipping in watery substances. Ok, I'm not that young (not THAT old either, just a little above 200 years) so I'm not going for the looks anymore. Clearly it's in water, not even beer or wine (aaaah, those wild times). So I don't understand humans at all. Maybe it's because they are living too short and are rushing through there lives.

Today I received a message from one of the old inhabitants of the Vampires Tavern. This makes me very happy. After all those years it still exists in the minds and hearts of some around. Go search for them! Beneath their human appearance are the most wonderfull creatures of magic!

Your sincerely,
Lord X


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